iCLEAN is Part of the Green Directory of 2019

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Naning Adiwoso as Secretary General of GPI (Green Product Council Indonesia) gave the placard to David Handriyanto as Managing director of iCLEAN. This is an appreciation for products that support friendly environment.


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Food protection is an important aspect in regulating food safety from production, storage, processing & serving. Food handlers really need to understand this concept, so that the implementation of Food Safety could work well.

This ServSafe Food Protection Training is about how to provide safe food by analyzing & controlling critical points in the food flow starting from receiving, storing, preparing, cooking, and serving.


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Food protection is an important aspect in regulating food safety from production, storage, processing & serving. Food handlers really need to understand this concept, so that the implementation of Food Safety could work well.

This ServSafe Food Protection Training is about how to provide safe food by analyzing & controlling critical points in the food flow starting from receiving, storing, preparing, cooking, and serving.


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Jakarta April 5, 2017 – The 14th Food & Hotel Indonesia 2017 Exhibition was being the Jakarta International Expo on 5 to 8 April 2017.

The exhibition was attended by 1,600 companies from 50 countries. The Food & Hotel Indonesia 2017 exhibition organizer, Wiwiek Roberto, expects the event to be a means to enhance the competitiveness of domestic companies specialized in the food processed, hotels, and retail industries.

iCLEAN Participate in 2nd Gathering of Gastropreneurship Community

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Gastropreneurship Community is a community that was formed with the aim of becoming a gathering and sharing of experience between entrepreneurs Café and Resto in Jakarta. Every two to three months, each member gathered to discuss a variety of interesting topics to help the development of café & resto business.

Baked-on food soil on Grill…? No more!

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New Year’s Eve is a profitable event for Restaurant, Cafe & Hotel because especially to foodies and travelers looking for a new atmosphere in the celebration with a partner, friends, family or business associates. Mostly Restaurant, Cafe & Hotel present a special New Year’s Eve to attract customers with a variety of unique theme and usually is less complete without servings of barbecue (BBQ). But after the party, the grill usually is baked-on food soil, impressed dirty and unhygienic.

Some of these tips, frequently used by the Restaurant, Cafe & Hotel to clean a dirty grill and charred, namely: closing bars of the grill with aluminum foil with shiny side not on the outside. Then bake for 10-12 minutes. When aluminum foil is opened, you will see the dirt off and grill bars were clean then wash the grill with a powder cleanser. However, the results are often not optimal and the charred remains.

ICLEAN give a solution in a minute, easy and maximum clean for all your cooking equipment that charred like grills, ovens, and fryers. GREEZAWAY, one solution for burning stubborn stains.

Prove it!


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Competition in the industry is not just about beautiful places and facilities owned, but hygiene and sanitation to be a highly considered. The tourism industry such as hotels, restaurants, and public services such as hospitals, airports, stations are racing to improve itself in providing the best service to the customer. Hygiene aspect is a major concern that is important to improve customer convenience and the general public. Cleanliness or hygiene is become increasingly important words in line with the cultural awareness of clean and healthy. Not only individual who think cleanliness is important, as well as in the industrial sector.

In practice, maintaining the cleanliness was not an easy job, the necessary knowledge and skills will be the type of equipment or object to be cleaned. Including the type of dirt or stains to be cleaned, how aspects of sanitation and disinfectant cleaning process, dry chemical suitable and correct as well as various tips & tricks to get optimal results.

iCLEAN as a national brand in providing hygiene and sanitation solutions Cleanliness Management organized the first workshop as a commitment in providing solutions for the hygiene industry. It is not only know the various types of chemical cleaning products, but how to use proper.

The workshop was attended by over 25 participants was held on Thursday, October 9th, 2014 at the Aston at Kuningan Suites in Jakarta. Learning Center iCLEAN trying to help practitioners and professionals in the tourism sector and public service in order to further explore the many ways in managing aspects of hygiene.


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One group of hospitality companies that become the place of choice hotels, resorts, apartments and villas in Asia Pacific, York International is a hotel management company in Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia and a portfolio of more than 140 hotels.

Archipelago Group International manages five-star hotel and luxury villas and hotels operating under the brand: Grand Aston, Aston, Aston City, Crimson, Quest, favehotel, NEO, Alana and Kamuela. To improve the quality of the place and its services, the Archipelago International group held housekeeping workshop for the Greater Jakarta area with iCLEAN on June 23, 2014 in NEO+ Green Savana Hotel Sentul City. iCLEAN provide knowledge about the cleanliness of housekeeping world. This opportunity will certainly facilitate the housekeeper to learning and sharing of Cleanliness knowledge.

To support this event, iCLEAN already preparing for the world’s best material housekeeping. With great enthusiasm the pesertapun attempt to ask as much as possible in order to get a good understanding of the world of cleanliness. In addition to the material provided, iCLEAN also invite participants to demo the latest products STAIN AWAY. how to clean stubborn stains on the garment material that are often encountered in the hotel. The purpose of this workshop is to educate as well as a forum for participants to find solutions about the cleanliness of the hotel. The event received a warm welcome from the group Archipelago International Jabodetabek area with the presence of more than 20 participants, due to hygiene also contributed to each group Archipelago International hotels spread across Indonesia.


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iCLEAN enliven Housekeeping Exhibition & Seminar – IHKA (Indonesian Indonesian HHousekeeper), Friday, June 6, 2014 at the Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel Bali. Bali is a tourist spot which increases both developed and developing. Progress a tourism destination will never be achieved without the support of competent human resources.

Here IHKA Bali is a place for all Executive Housekeeper take a strategic role in helping improve the quality of human resources to support the development of tourism in Bali which is a national asset. Annual event with the theme of “Do The Right Thing” was attended by all members of both five-star hotel, non-star, villas and hospitals, and even from education tourism.

iCLEAN follow this event with a booth that surprised the participants, since the first launch a sub brand products iCLEAN, STAIN AWAY. At this event, iCLEAN invites the participants to see the latest product demos and selling at a special price. The response of participants and visitors to the booth iCLEAN very good. Participants were welcomed by the team and the participants were very enthusiastic iCLEAN see a demonstration conducted by a team iCLEAN.

See you at next Exhibtion & Housekeeping Seminar – IHKA

iCLEAN support Funducation Program By Sriboga Food Group

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Sriboga Food Group oversees some restaurants brand, including Pizza Hut Indonesia, Pizza Hut Delivery (PHD) and Marugame Udon are focused in the food business. Sriboga Food Group held Funducation in several Vocational High Schools.

Funducation is a program that is on the agenda Sriboga Food Group each year. The event was held on 22 to 23 April 2014 in the two schools aims to share knowledge about the hospitality and sanitation with Vocational School. The first day, the event was held at the Vocational High School Jayawisata 2 – Pangkalan Jati, East Jakarta, for the second day, the event was held at SMKN 57 – Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.

Ulie Latuputty as the representative of Sriboga Food Group opened the event followed the teacher and students with a total of more than 100 participants for each school. In keeping with the theme of the event Funducation, Sriboga Food Group and iCLEAN educate interesting, starting with an explanation of the application of hospitality, to sanitation and personal hygiene to all participants.

In addition to education, iCLEAN give interesting gifts and product support to the school in the form of Bathklin, toilet cleaners as much as 100 liters for each school. With this Funducation held, great hopes Sri Boga Food Group & iCLEAN that the school and the students always maintain the cleanliness and making it a lifestyle.


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