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STAINAWAY SOAKING POWDER Specially formulated to remove coffee, tea, herb, and spicy stains. It also enhances cleanliness and a clean appearance. It can be applied to china-ware, melamine, glass, stainless steel tableware, cutlery, cutting boards, and cooking utensils.


  1. Use plastic or stainless steel container for soaking.
  2. Dosage: 3-5 spoon for 5 liter warm water (45ºC)
  3. Soaking process will remove stain properly between 10-15 minutes in warm STAINAWAY Soaking Powder solution (45ºC-55ºC).
  4. Replace water while its already cold or dirty.
  5. Rinse and dry properly.

To achieve the expected results, please contact us via email customercare{@}iclean.co.id

  • Packaging: 1.5 kg

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