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Laundry alkali untuk meningkatkan kinerja fungsi deterjen. Memudahkan menghilangkan kotoran minyak membandel dan pigmen, dalam berbagai kondisi suhu saat pencucian.

Untuk jenis kotoran:

  • Kotoran ringan     = 2 – 3 gr/kg kapasitas mesin
  • Kotoran sedang    = 3 – 5 gr/kg kapasitas mesin
  • Kotoran berat       = 5 – 8 gr/kg kapasitas mesin


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Deterjen cair laundry dengan kandungan surfaktan serta solvent untuk mengoptimalkan daya angkat kotoran. Produk ini sangat efektif menghilangkan noda oli, minyak, lemak dan tanah, serta sekaligus berfungsi menghilangkan noda protein yang terkandung di dalamnya.

Untuk tingkat kekotoran:

  • Kotoran ringan     = 1 – 2 ml/kg
  • Kotoran sedang    = 2 – 4 ml/kg
  • Kotoran berat       = 4 – 6 ml/kg

Tersedia dalam kemasan: 5 ltr & 25 ltr


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Deterjen cair untuk mencuci pakaian berbahan dasar lembut dari palm oil dengan pH netral yang sangat efektif untuk membersihkan kotoran tanpa merusak bahan pakaian.

Untuk tingkat kekotoran:

  • Kotoran ringan     = 1 – 2 ml/kg
  • Kotoran sedang    = 2 – 4 ml/kg
  • Kotoran berat       = 4 – 6 ml/kg

Tersedia dalam kemasan : 5 ltr & 25 ltr


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STAIN AWAY is a stain removal product with a more environmentally friendly concentrate and enzyme formula designed to remove stains in the safest way.

STAIN AWAY mini pack, consisting of 3 types of products:

  • General Stain Remover (67 ml)
  • Heavy Duty Stain Remover (67 ml)
  • Rust Stain Remover (67 ml)

Before using this product to remove stains, we recommend trying the product by using it in an inconspicuous area, try on the back or the bottom of the clothes first.

Using the right stain product to remove tough stains will keep the fabric in good condition and extend the life of the garment.

To achieve the expected results, please contact us via email customercare{@}iclean.co.id

  • Packaging: Mini box (3 bottles, @67 ml)


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An environmentally friendly textile cleaning product made from Palm oil & water based surfactant. Neutral pH that is very effective for cleaning impurities and is very safe for daily washing of various types, clothing including soft fabrics. Contain an Optical Brightener Agent (OBA) high enough to brighten clothing as well as a Softening Agent for softening fabrics. This product does not contain phosphate so thus make it is friendly to the environment.


  • Types of daily laundry with a mild level of dirtiness, such as:

Underwear, handkerchiefs & shirts.

Requiring 1 – 2 bottle caps of washing with washing machine with a capacity of 5 – 7 kg.

  • Types of daily laundry with moderate levels of dirtiness, such as:

Trousers, sports clothing, towels, pillow cases, bed linen, etc.

Required 3 – 4 bottle for washing with washing machines with a capacity of 5 – 7 kg.


  1. Collecting.                             5. Drying.
  2. Transporting.                       6. Folding.
  3. Staring.                                  7. Storing.
  4. Washing.                               8. Using.

To achieve the expected results, please contact us via email customercare{@}iclean.co.id

  • Packaging: 1 ltr & 5 ltr



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CLEAN BRIGHT is safe for all textile types, it is specially formulated to remove any soil types at textile. With less foam it will make shortest rinsing process, save water, energy and time. It also will reduce detergent residue which can cause smelly.


For this kind of stain level:

  • Light soil         = 2 – 3 gr/kg.
  • Medium soil   = 3 – 5 gr/kg.
  • Heavy soil       = 5 – 8 gr/kg.

To achieve the expected results, please contact us via email customercare{@}iclean.co.id

  • Packaging: 3 kg & 20 kg


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AROMAKIT SUMMER LINEN is the best solution for removing bad odors from your clothes. Enjoy a comfortable sensation because the clothes smell fresh and have a refreshing fragrance. Provides a sense of relaxation and smells long lasting clothes. Present as a solution for clothes free of musty odors or bad odors.

Perfuming privilege of Aroma Kit Summer Linen this is the best solution to deprive bad smell on your clothes. Enjoy uneasy sensation because clothing fragrant fresh and luster refresh. Give a sense of relaxed and fragrant a durable present into solution for clothing free smell frowzy or smell.

Enjoy the bright blue sky with Summer Linen fragrance of your clothes and feel the sensations that accompany your relaxing days.


  1. Mix only in accordance with the instructions.
  2. Do not mis with anything, except water.
  3. Keep out from children, food and pet.
  4. If inhalation: Remove fresh air. if not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.
  5. If swallowed : Rinse mouth; then drink one or two large glasses of water. Do not include vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately.
  6. If eyes contact: Flush thoroughly with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses and continue the flushing with plenty of water.


Consult iCLEAN’s representative for achieving expected result.

  • Packaging: 500 ml & 5 ltr
  • E-Mail: customercare{@}iclean.co.id


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AROMAKIT OCEAN BREEZE is the best solution for removing bad odors from your clothes. Enjoy a comfortable sensation because the clothes smell fresh and have a refreshing fragrance. Provides a sense of relaxation and smells long lasting clothes. Present as a solution for clothes free of musty odors or bad odors.

Ocean Breeze takes you as you walk along a secluded tropical beach, the waves gently spraying up a fine mist that refreshes your soul and cleanses your mind.


  1. Mix only in accordance with the instructions.
  2. Do not mis with anything, except water.
  3. Keep out from children, food and pet.
  4. If inhalation: Remove fresh air. if not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.
  5. If swallowed: Rinse mouth; then drink one or two large glasses of water. Do not include vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately.
  6. If eyes contact: Flush thoroughly with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses and continue the flushing with plenty of water.


Consult iCLEAN’s representative for achieving expected result.

  • Packaging: 500 ml & 5 ltr
  • E-Mail: customercare{@}iclean.co.id


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AROMAKIT FRESH GARDEN is the best solution for removing bad odors from your clothes. Enjoy a comfortable sensation because the clothes smell fresh and have a refreshing fragrance. Provides a sense of relaxation and smells long lasting clothes. Present as a solution for clothes free of musty odors or bad odors.

Relieve your boredom for a while to feel the fresh scent of Fresh Garden which bring you to the imagination of fresh green garden with clean air. Fresh Garden Fragrance is suitable for you who live in the central of the city with the bustle and activity levels are high.


1. Mix only in accordance with the instructions.

2. Do not mis with anything, except water.

3. keep out from children, food and pet.

4. If inhalation: Remove fresh air. if not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.

5. If swallowed: Rinse mouth; then drink one or two large glasses of water. Do not include vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately.

6. If eyes contact: Flush thoroughly with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses and continue the flushing with plenty of water.


Consult iCLEAN’s representative for achieving expected result.

  • Packaging: 500 ml & 5 ltr
  • E-Mail: customercare{@}iclean.co.id


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AROMAKIT LAVENDER is the best solution for removing bad odors from your clothes. Enjoy a comfortable sensation because the clothes smell fresh and have a refreshing fragrance. Provides a sense of relaxation and smells long lasting clothes. Present as a solution for clothes free of musty odors or bad odors.

Lavender is associated with the feelings contentment and mood as well. This can be a great choice for anyone trying to relax for sleep or feel more calm and relaxed during the day.


  1. Mix only in accordance with the instructions.
  2. Do not mis with anything, except water.
  3. Keep out from children, food and pet.
  4. If inhalation: Remove fresh air. if not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.
  5. If swallowed: Rinse mouth; then drink one or two large glasses of water. Do not include vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately.
  6. If eyes contact: Flush thoroughly with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses and continue the flushing with plenty of water.


Consult iCLEAN’s representative for achieving expected result.

  • Packaging: 500 ml & 5 ltr
  • E-Mail: customercare{@}iclean.co.id


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LX Detergent Prima is a heavy duty laundry detergent with uniques formulation of surfactant and solvent. It is effective to remove tough greasy, oil, fat and soila stain, also breaking the protein stain instead.


For this kind of stain:

  • Light        : 1 – 2 ml/kg
  • Medium  : 2 – 4 ml/kg
  • Heavy      : 4 – 6 ml/kg

To achieve the expected results, please contact us via email customercare{@}iclean.co.id

  • Packaging: 5 ltr & 25 ltr



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OXYD ENZYMATIC is a oxygen bleach product with special formulation to be able to work in low temperature and alkali. Active at low temperature 40 – 45°C, with pH 8,5 – 9 to give you the benefit of energy saving and more eco-friendly. Combined with Detergent Enzymatic to improve the ability of stain remover. To use at wash formula with DETERGENT ENZYMATIC and NEUTRAL ENZYMATIC.


  • Low soil           : 4 – 6 ml/kg.
  • Medium soil   : 6 – 8 ml/kg.
  • Hard soil         : 8 – 10 ml/kg.


  1. Collecting                                         5. Drying
  2. Transporting                                   6. Folding
  3. Staring                                              7. Storing
  4. Washing                                           8. Use

To achieve the expected results, please contact us via email customercare{@}iclean.co.id

  • Packaging: 25 ltr
1 2 3 4

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