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DOLCA HAND SOAP is a gentle hand soap with a strawberry, apple, and orange scent to prevent transmission of germs through hands/skin without causing irritation and safe to use.



  1. Wet your hands with water, spread the hand soap evenly over the entire surface of your hands.
  2. Rub palms against each other, right palm over left palm and vice versa, right palm against left palm.
  3. Rub the inside of the palm back together with the fingers, clean the fingertips by rubbing on the surface of the palms.
  4. Rub the thumb by rotating the inside of the left palm with the right palm clasped and vice versa.
  5. Rinse with water, dry hands with a disposable tissue & use the used tissue to close the faucet.

Fragrance Type:

  • Strawberry
  • Apple
  • Orange

For more information, please contact us via email customercare{@}iclean.co.id

  • Packaging: 500 ml & 5 ltr.


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