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MICROSTIM 725 → An all natural concentrated proprietary formula developed incorporating a unique blend of over 30 natural trace minerals, bio-activators (bacterial stimulators) and toxin renovators. It represent the newest generation of natural bio-augmentation for the treatment of grease traps, septic systems, sump well and cesspools. Contain no bacteria, enzymes, surfactants or any other ingreidient which might promote grease movement through the system.


Grease Trap

Initial dose: add 1 litre of microSTIM 725 into grease trap at the end of the day.


  1. Determine amount of microSTIM 725 required on a daily basis (usually 150mL to 300mL). Best to start at higher levels and reduce as results indicated.
  2. Divide above dosage into several equal portions and feed through automated peristatic feeder preferably during off hours (may be fed manually as a single dose at the end of operating day)
  3. Physically inspect traps on a regular basis and adjust feed accordingly.

Grease Clogged Septic Tank and Cesspool Drain Fields:

  1. Based on the capacity and extent of grease clogging, add 10-18 litres as an initial treatement. Repeat every two to four weeks at half initial dose as required until systems cleared.
  2. For systems with a distributions box, pour directly into the box. It will work down through the drain field. For a single septic tank add directly to tank or directly into leach bed wheres possible.
  3. For a series of linking cesspools, start using at the last pool of each branch and work back to the first pool. This provides free drainage and restores proper operation.

Note: Septic tanks, sump wells or cesspools extremely clogged with solid should be cleaned thoroughly before treatment.

To achieve the expected results, please contact us via email customercare{@}iclean.co.id

  • Packaging: 5 ltr

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